Mae pob plentyn yn unigolyn â’i anghenion, ei dalentau a’i syniadau ei hun a’r hawl i gyfleoedd cyfartal. Mae’n ddyletswydd arnom felly i sicrhau fod pob unigolyn o fewn ein hysgol yn cael y cyfle gorau posibl i ddatblygu i’w lawn neu’i llawn botensial ac yn cael eu cyflwyno i nifer fawr o brofiadau ystyrlon ac yn mwynhau llwyddiant hyd eu heithaf. Braint yw medru darpau addysg o’r safon uchaf ar gyfer ein disgyblion.
Each pupil is an individual, their needs, talents and their ideas are equally respected as are their rights. It is our duty to ensure that each individual within our school receives the best opportunity possible to develop to their full potential whilst being introduced to a wide variety of valuable experiences, whilst succeeding to the best of their own, individual ability. It is a priviledge to provide an education of the highest standard for our pupils.