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Mae Ysgol Casmael yn cael ei ffederaleiddio gyda / Ysgol Casmael is federated with Ysgol Llanychllwydog Darganfod mwy am ein ffederasiwn / Find out more about our Federation

Trefniadau Presenoldeb

Gofynnir i rieni ffonio’r ysgol ar ddechrau’r diwrnod cyntaf pan fydd eu plentyn yn absennol.

Pe bai disgybl yn absennol o’r ysgol heb esboniad, ar ol 9.30 y.b bydd yr ysgol yn cysylltu â’r cartref (ffôn, testun, ac ati) pan anfonir cais at rieni yn gofyn iddynt gysylltu â’r ysgol.

Pe na bai’r ysgol yn gallu cael gwybod beth yw’r rheswm dros yr absenoldeb, bydd yr ysgol yn defnyddio’r rhifau cyswllt eraill ar gyfer y plentyn.

Pe na bai ateb erbyn 11.00 y.b fe fydd yr ysgol yn cysylltu a’r Swyddog Cynnal Presenoldeb am gefnogaeth a chyngor.

Targed Presenoldeb
School Target


Targed Presenoldeb | School Target

Attendance Proceedures

Parents are asked to phone the school on the first day of abscence.

If the pupils is absent from school without an explanation, after 9.30 a.m the school will contact the home/send a message, asking the parents to contact the school.

If the school has not then had a reason for the absence, other points of contact will be explored.

If no answer has been achieved by 11.00a.m then the school will contact the Attendance Officer for support and advice.

‘Mae’n dechrau yn yr ysgol’
‘It starts in school’

Find out more about Pembrokeshire County Council’s
It Starts in School campaign on their website.
Click here >>

Find out more about Pembrokeshire County Council’s
It Starts in School campaign on their website.
Click here >>

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