Mae Ysgol Casmael yn ysgol wledig naturiol ddwyieithog. Codwyd yr adeilad presennol yn 1953 mewn safle hyfryd gyda golygfeydd panoramig o fynyddoedd y Preseli. Mae’r ysgol yn enwog am hyrwyddo “Cymreictod” yn ei disgyblion, yn ddiwylliannol a ieithyddol, boed y rhieni’n siarad yr iaith ai peidio.
Mae ysgol Casmael ynghanol y gymuned, “ysgol bentref” yng ngwir ystyr y gair. Mae’r pentrefwyr yn gefnogol iawn i weithgareddau’r ysgol. Mae gan yr ysgol Gymdeithas Rhieni a Chyfeillion weithgar iawn sy’n codi swm sylweddol o arian i gynnal a chefnogi’r ysgol.
Mae’r ysgol yn Ysgol Gynradd Sirol gyd-addysgol gyda dalgylch cymharol eang. Yn ogystal â phentref Casmael mae plant yn teithio o Gasfuwch, Casnewydd Bach, Treamlod, Wallis, Wystog, Trecwn, Walton East a Twffton. Mae’r ysgol yn darparu addysg ar gyfer plant o bedair i un ar ddeg mlwydd oed.
Mae Ysgol Casmael yn ysgol glos a chyfeillgar, ac rydym yn ymfalchio yn y berthynas ofalgar a chefnogol sy’n bodoli rhwng ein staff, disgyblion, rhieni a’r llywodraethwyr. Dymunwn fel ysgol gyflwyno addysg gyflawn i’r plant o fewn awyrgylch hapus, ysgogol a diogel. I’r diben hwn ceisiwn ysbrydoli’r plant trwy seilio eu haddysg ar iaith, crefydd, diwylliant a threftadaeth Cymru, a chreu ymwybyddiaeth gref o Gymreictod ac ennyn balchder yn ein hiaith yng nghalon pob plentyn.
Mae pob plentyn yn unigolyn â’i anghenion, ei dalentau a’i syniadau ei hun a’r hawl i gyfleoedd cyfartal. Mae’n ddyletswydd arnom felly i sicrhau fod pob unigolyn o fewn ein hysgol yn cael y cyfle gorau posibl i ddatblygu i’w lawn neu’i llawn botensial ac yn cael eu cyflwyno i nifer fawr o brofiadau ystyrlon ac yn mwynhau llwyddiant hyd eu heithaf. Braint yw medru darpau addysg o’r safon uchaf ar gyfer ein disgyblion.
Ymfalchïwn yn safonau cyrhaeddiad uchel yr ysgol, ac mae’r ystod eang o weithgareddau allgyrsiol hefyd yn bwysig i ni, gyda disgyblion yn profi llwyddiant mewn amrywiol feysydd o Eisteddfodau’r Urdd i fyd chwaraeon a chelf.
Puncheston School is a naturally bilingual, rural primary (Infant and Junior) school. The present building was erected in 1953 in a delightful location with panoramic views of the Preseli mountains. The school is renowned for fostering that “Welshness” in its pupils, both culturally and linguistically, whether parents are able to speak the language or not.
Puncheston school is at the heart of the community, a true “village school”, Villagers are very supportive towards the school, the school has a very active Parents and Friends Association which raises a substantial amount of money to support the school each year.
The school is a co-educational County Primary School, providing education for pupils aged 4 to 11 years old. The catchment area is comparatively wide. As well as Puncheston itself pupils come from Little Newcastle, Ambleston, Wallis, Woodstock, Walton East, Trecwn and Tufton.
Puncheston School creates a friendly and close environment for all learners, we take pride in the relationship that exists between our staff, pupils, parents and governors. We aim to provide our pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum within a happy, safe and stimulating environment. With this in mind we aim to base our curriculum on the language and culture of Wales, creating a strong sense of Welshness, fostering pride towards our language in the heart of our pupils.
Each pupil is an individual, their needs, talents and their ideas are equally respected as are their rights. It is our duty to ensure that each individual within our school receives the best opportunity possible to develop to their full potential whilst being introduced to a wide variety of valuable experiences, whilst succeeding to the best of their own, individual ability. It is a priviledge to provide an education of the highest standard for our pupils.
We take pride in the high standards achieved by our pupils, providing a wide range of extra-curricular activities is important to us. Our pupils have achieved great success in a wide range of areas, from the Urdd Eisteddfod to the sports field to artistic and literary achievements.