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Gwobr Parc Cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro:
Enillodd Ysgol Casmael y wobr hon am eu prosiect yn y gymuned.

Roedd Ysgol Casmael yn benderfynol o nodi’r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf mewn steil a llwyddon nhw i ennill grant Treftadaeth y Loteri i’w cefnogi gyda’u cynlluniau uchelgeisiol. Yn dilyn ymchwil helaeth gweithiodd disgyblion yr ysgol yn galed i greu llyfr dwyieithog gan gynnwys ystod o genres am fywyd yn yr ardal yn ystod blynyddoedd y rhyfel. Aeth eu cynlluniau hyd yn oed yn fwy uchelgeisiol pan wnaethant benderfynu cyfansoddi cân ar gyfer yr achlysur gyda chymorth Mererid Hopwood, creu mosaig yng Nghasmael a Chasnewydd Bach, dylunio baner heddwch i’w chodi y tu allan i’r ysgol a threfnu llu o weithgareddau cymunedol i nodi’r digwyddiad, o orymdaith i barti stryd. Mae’r staff a’r disgyblion yn hynod falch o’r modd y gwnaeth pawb weithio gyda’i gilydd fel cymuned i nodi achlysur mor bwysig.

The Pembrokeshire National Parks’ Award for a community project

Ysgol Casmael, Puncheston, were determined to mark the anniversary of the First World war in style and succeded to win a Heritage Lottery grant to support them with their ambitious plans. Following extensive research pupils at the school worked hard to create a bilingual book including a range of genres about life in the area during the war years. Their plans got even more ambitious when they decided to compose a song for the occasion with the help of Mererid Hopwood, create a mosaic at Puncheston and Little Newcastle, design a peace flag to be hoisted outside the school and arrange a whole host of community activities to mark the event from a procession to a street party. The staff and pupils are extremely proud of how everyone worked together as a community to mark such an important occasion.

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